Flyttes Global Solutions Pte Ltd
Workplace and Residential Space Globally

While the physical appearance is important, a company’s workspace serves to express the value and quality of the organisation; the office is an indicator of everything ranging from its work philosophy to its economic health. Office space is one of the best ways a business can brand and communicates its essence. We also provide student services or home stay.

In a professional context it often happens that private or corporate clients corder a publication to be made and presented with the actual content still not being ready. 

Flyttes Global Solutions Pte Ltd
Business Feasibility Research

We help clients to conduct research to better understand local market conditions.

Flyttes Global Solutions Pte Ltd
Customer Analysis

We help clients to analyse their Targeted Audience segment to elicit information on their habits.

Flyttes Global Solutions Pte Ltd
Competitor Analysis

We help client analyse various aspects of business competitors.

Flyttes Global Solutions Pte Ltd
An enterprise risk management program

We will conduct an enterprise risk assessment for clients who wished to expand their business overseas by directing a risk assessment based on the client’s business expansion model and providing a risk analysis report.

Flyttes Global Solutions Pte Ltd
Licensing and Legal Documentation

Multinational companies in particular face increased scrutiny on a global level, leaving them with little margin for error when it comes to their operations, accountability and compliance. Obtaining the correct documents for each jurisdiction to operate at the foreign location is crucial for business success.

Flyttes Global Solutions Pte Ltd
Site Recommendations

Based on the client’s business interest, our company will provide the full suite of services that includes the following:

Flyttes Global Solutions Pte Ltd
Site Preparation

We will arrange with local interior decorators to prepare the sites for business and dwelling.

Flyttes Global Solutions Pte Ltd
Professional packing

The most important part of a successful international move is the high quality of packing service provided at origin country. We create a packing plan for you, we offer full and partial packing services depending on your preference. From packing boxes, furniture, artwork, frames to crating fragile items, our household

Flyttes Global Solutions Pte Ltd

There are many reasons why you may not be ready to receive your household items right away; in these situations, we do provide both short-term and long-term storage services in our secure storage facility. We'll keep your items safe and secure for as long as you need.